Easter is coming soon. One of the most powerful events of the year- even more all of HIStory. As He supplies a powerful message and direction. We seek to support such vision of life to others by creative art, design and resource management. As it says, "God made it to grow." 1 Cor 3:8
Honor is a beautiful two-way gift as a Son and Daughter
Deep below the Earth's mantle. Coal is pressurized at a very high degree of heat. The rough, dull, pieces of Earth we see in the beginning. They are pressurized and refined into the most beautiful gems and are of the highest quality. In their beginning state, not much light can show through them. After their purpose here on this Earth, in
Deep below the Earth's mantle. Coal is pressurized at a very high degree of heat. The rough, dull, pieces of Earth we see in the beginning. They are pressurized and refined into the most beautiful gems and are of the highest quality. In their beginning state, not much light can show through them. After their purpose here on this Earth, in God's timing, they become the most valuable assets that light can shine through to give so much brilliance to others.
My beautiful Grandmother is the tree of all our talent and more. God led her to purchase our current home I reside in to this day in 1967 with honor. The beginning place for CEOs, Real Estate Owners, chefs, and Engineers. Artists, Designers, Ministers, Doctors, and More. That's how many beautiful children she was allowed to see. Before he
My beautiful Grandmother is the tree of all our talent and more. God led her to purchase our current home I reside in to this day in 1967 with honor. The beginning place for CEOs, Real Estate Owners, chefs, and Engineers. Artists, Designers, Ministers, Doctors, and More. That's how many beautiful children she was allowed to see. Before her passing on to be with our heavenly Father, we spent many Sundays watching service (Worship Service) and talking afterward.
My God-given Mother and an absolute lover of benevolence, encouragement, strength, and fellowship. Not only was she gifted in culinary arts, Medicine, but a graduate of Third Baptist Church's Discipleship program. She was a faithful wife, mother, family member, sister, and grandmother. My mother's and father's hard work got me accepted in
My God-given Mother and an absolute lover of benevolence, encouragement, strength, and fellowship. Not only was she gifted in culinary arts, Medicine, but a graduate of Third Baptist Church's Discipleship program. She was a faithful wife, mother, family member, sister, and grandmother. My mother's and father's hard work got me accepted into one of the top high schools in the nation. Top Collegiate Awards. Choosing to serve in the Church
The owner of a Small Auto Body Repair business (S.R.M Motors; Chicago, IL) for 45+ Years. My dad at various times had major commercial places he worked from in our community. Not only is he gifted in Business Management, hard work, and benevolence. He is very adept in Drafting, Art, History, Politics, Science, and Engineering.
Owner of many Chicago south-side properties. He was discovered by the famous Chris Gardner and had part of his roots in the Chicago Board of Trade. He was a very fine (in integrity), handsome, and a husband | father. It was God, when he gave me the highest motivation. "If you get a job you take this (1998 Toyota 4-Runner) mint condition."
Owner of many Chicago south-side properties. He was discovered by the famous Chris Gardner and had part of his roots in the Chicago Board of Trade. He was a very fine (in integrity), handsome, and a husband | father. It was God, when he gave me the highest motivation. "If you get a job you take this (1998 Toyota 4-Runner) mint condition." Within two-weeks God gave me my first full-time job as a Associate Watch Designer at Fossil, Inc. in Richardson, TX. All God. Not only was he my best man for our wedding he was the best gift God could give me.
The book So You Want to Prophesy! reveals that every Christian believer can hear from God and prophesy to others. Author, Charles Rosson takes the every day believer as well as prophets and prophetess' on a journey to become a blessing to others through prophecy. He proposes prophecy's primary purpose is to edify, exhort, comfort and even
The book So You Want to Prophesy! reveals that every Christian believer can hear from God and prophesy to others. Author, Charles Rosson takes the every day believer as well as prophets and prophetess' on a journey to become a blessing to others through prophecy. He proposes prophecy's primary purpose is to edify, exhort, comfort and even inspire hope in others. This important book presents scriptural encouragement and practical instruction to help you: • Know why every believer should prophesy and why your family and everyone around you will benefit when you do. • Discover the purpose of prophecy in the local church and how things can get out of hand if you don't know. • Share the answer to one of the most asked questions by Christians of all kinds, "Were the gifts a passing phenomna?" • Learn what the Apostle Paul taught & what every local pastor should know about how to regulate prophecy in the local church. • Discern how to accelerate your biblical gift of prophecy through the Word of God, the Holy Spirit and experience. • Receive the manifestation of prophecy through edification, exhortation, comfort and hope. Retired Pastor Charles Rosson, a gifted writer and prophet writes from a wealth of diverse prophetic experience and years of patient scriptural study gleamed from 27+ years as a local church pastor. You will enjoy his inspiring personal stories and application. The So You Want to Prophesy book brings a simple understanding of the biblical gift of prophecy and provides a practical guide to the place modern day prophesying and the prophetic ministry has in the Body of Christ. He will help you navigate to God's perfect will and call for YOU to prophesy in your every day life and the local church.
Charles "Chuck" Harrison (September 23, 1931 — November 29, 2018) was an American industrial designer, speaker and educator. He was known for his pioneering role as one of the first African-American industrial designers of the era and the first to lead a design department at a major corporation. He was the first African-American executive
Charles "Chuck" Harrison (September 23, 1931 — November 29, 2018) was an American industrial designer, speaker and educator. He was known for his pioneering role as one of the first African-American industrial designers of the era and the first to lead a design department at a major corporation. He was the first African-American executive to work at Sears, Roebuck and Company, starting in 1961 as a designer and eventually becoming manager of the company's entire design group. He was involved in the design of over 750 consumer products, including the portable hair dryer, toasters, stereos, lawn mowers, sewing machines, Craftsman power tools, the see-through measuring cup, fondue pots, stoves, and the first plastic trash can, which has been credited with changing the sound of trash collection day. Perhaps his most famous achievement was leading the team that updated the View-Master in 1958, designing the classic Model F View-Master.A Stone Age version of the virtual reality viewer, it allowed users to look at photographs in three dimensions. Two inventors introduced the first version, a bulky model, at the World’s Fair in 1939, and it became a specialty item used mainly by photographers. This iconic product sold with only minor colour changes for over 40 years and could be found in almost every US household and households throughout the world. Charles mentioned that one of his inspirations was Charles Eames for his chairs and furniture design. Elliot Noyes for his product designs, primarily typewriters for IBM. - Wikipedia
Here is reference to the Church leadership
Leadership correlates with the graphics team on all ideas and art direction for Resurrection Sunday. To develop the God-given them specifically given to reach your audience. Making sure to identify what God is saying, the core values of the Church, as well as the outreach/engagement of the audience.
With the given budget and time. All assets can be delegated to finding or developing all imagery, stock photos, and videos that will convey the message.
Picking the right colors is one of the primary choices. Which colors coordinate with the identity of the Church. Which will best suit the fashion, print, and online presence.
Next, is to find the right fonts that will coordinate with the colors. Which fonts support the message and reach an audience for all ages? It would be ideal to develop a family for each age group. (Adult, Young Adult, and Youth.)
Where can we place teaching elements, flyers, posters, banners, ornaments, pictures, and past resources to further help the congregation grow?
Within a given budget, production time and error must be factored in. The labor to produce the elements. As well as the third-party sources to have them correctly produced. That's why proofs, mockups, and maps must be accurately developed during brainstorming. Can be essential to reaching the desired goal without much loss.
Confirming the proper storage for all assets should be considered in brainstorming. That means you can develop assets that are versatile for years. Stylebooks, styles, file organization, and libraries that can be easily accessed.
Here is a video that I found on YouTube that interviews struggling churches. The goal of OurVision services is not to treat the Holiness of God with contempt. As if God's primary work is to do business. In light of staff workers being paid, reparations, and monthly bills (2 Kings 22:4-7.) We question how can we develop a graphics service that helps organizations equally instead of being a liability based on their budget?
Randy Williams, is a BFA graduate from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Is formerly the winner of SIUC Senior IDSA Merit Award, Reach Award, and Rickert-Ziebold Finalist. I have professional experience in Insight Product Development, Fossil/DKNY Watches, and Keys Fitness (Ironman Fitness Sports Products). Former Art Teacher for
Randy Williams, is a BFA graduate from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Is formerly the winner of SIUC Senior IDSA Merit Award, Reach Award, and Rickert-Ziebold Finalist. I have professional experience in Insight Product Development, Fossil/DKNY Watches, and Keys Fitness (Ironman Fitness Sports Products). Former Art Teacher for grades (4-12.) He is the founder and senior designer of OurVision: Creative Design Services.
Christ tells me, "I will never leave you or forsake you." I have been given some of the most beautiful and talented family members. The best, hand-picked by God, to help us get to each other's purposes in life. Everyone, I believe, has been given the best that God could offer. Ex: My mom bought me my first box of crayons. She was everywhe
Christ tells me, "I will never leave you or forsake you." I have been given some of the most beautiful and talented family members. The best, hand-picked by God, to help us get to each other's purposes in life. Everyone, I believe, has been given the best that God could offer. Ex: My mom bought me my first box of crayons. She was everywhere (lol)...and led me to Christ. My dad is the reason I had and went to the best school in the nation. My art and business side come from him. My siblings are most down to earth and everyone equal. When I saw how Christs brothers didnt believe a thing of him being the messiah. After seeing him do all his miracles and works all his life. They were still skeptical. I learned now not to take life personally...but allow myself and the purpose of God to shine forth. He develops the Genesis that was before. After the cross his family members became witnesses unto the entire Earth. It all took God.
We aim to clearly communicate identities. Each church/ ministry has its own God-given identity (Ex: Rev Cha 2-4.) It has its own direction, engagement, and audience. All corporately growing toward God in the grace and revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ (Rev 1:13.) We aim to support that vision by professional design.
Church Leader - WE ARE a bible believing, preaching, and teaching church. We lovingly and faithfully stand on the word of God and teach the Bible as the final source of authority for what we believe and how we are to live. We are a multi-generational church with one lead pastor who works with a unified leadership team. Through our lively and dynamic worship services, we strive to meet needs and build relationships with those that have chosen Antioch as a church family and place of worship.
Church Leader - A Church of disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, at Bangalore since 1975, emphasizing new birth, holiness of inner life, mutual love, financial integrity and ...
Church Leader - Get Ready to Worship! Fellowship with Third Baptist Church of Chicago as we come together, Led in the Spirit of Unity, with One Heart!
Business Leader - Cohesity is an American privately held information technology company headquartered in San Jose, California with offices in India and Ireland. The company develops software that allows IT professionals to backup, manage and gain insights from their data across multiple systems or cloud providers.
Church Leader - We are one church meeting in multiple locations. ... Access information about Covenant Church events, locations and service times, ... Carrollton, TX 75006
Non-Profit Leader - Crown Encourage Communities as They Raise up Faithful Stewards and Grow God’s Kingdom. Help Us Reach the Corners of the World to Spread the Biblical Principles of Stewardship. Donate Online. See Stories. Sign Up Online.
Baptized as a Baby
We look to research and synchronize a theme that aesthetically and functionally defines your artistic direction.
We seek to develop relationships with people to understand what helps them communicate and engage. We look to develop longevity rather than a service of one-time experiences.
We look to synchronize a theme that aesthetically and functionally defines your announcements, events, and fundraisers
We are able to provide professional design services for Graphic, Print, Web, and Industrial Design. We are award-winning, educated, and corporate experienced in art, design, and biblical principles (having taught Christian educated, currently serve, are submitted, and daily study to understand.)
We can develop professional art/design direction for Government, Faith Based, Education, Business, Non-Profit, and any Trade Shows.
Anyone! In 20 years of professional experience, we've met beautiful people from all walks of life. Besides graphical work in the Church, as Founder, I have also taught Art Education in it as well (Elementary, High School, and Collegiate experience.) Our site is here to offer resources for Christian Education development for all ages. We are submitted to our local church for God's corporate direction in Kingdom Matters.
We have the ability to serve as in-house designers remotely in corporate and consultant environments. Offering subscription packages (Monthly/Annual) to accommodate a company, education, government office, church or organization.
Because of certain licenses and printing resources, we are not specialized in 3D modeling or manufacturers of Consumer Products (for Industrial Design.) We remain consultants and limited developers (Research through 2D development.)
Neither are we an in-house print shop to accommodate corporate needs (Business Cards, Flyers, and more. (Such as FedEx)
We develop the art, design, and layouts and outsource to nationwide third parties with unbelievable flexibility to deliver award-winning designs that compete with overall printing/manufacturing costs.
According to the laws of our state and commitment to serve our customers, we attempt to set comfortable prices that does not infringe either party.
We are dedicated to a wholesome message for all ages and all people. No form of discouragement, hatred, or ill-treatment is condoned. We are developing commercial and non-commercial opportunities for aspiring artists and designers in the future. For those who are looking for professional work we can add a team member by budget. To help graphically serve a Church or Ministry we would like to help support that experience on a volunteer base.
One of the greatest things I have learned is that no matter what you do. God is in control of everything! Peter, found that out in such a beautiful way. Proclaiming to "go a fishing" ... and of his confidence, faith in his talent, experience, and or knowledge of the seas. All night long all of them STILL caught nothing (Joh 21:3.) At Jesus's Word they caught 153 fish but none of it was used for the priority. The fish may have fed so many in Capernaum as they distributed it among the need. The real priority was that God was forgiving Peter for his sin and re-instating him to His godly purpose!
The myth that millions of marketing dollars spent and top-tier artistic talent can turn an ant-hill into a gold mine is not true in the Kingdom of God. We pray to be faithful with a one-sided business card just as much as a LED Wall for a megachurch. To be faithful with a church that cannot afford much in Graphics to those who maybe well off. Without any favoritism at all.
Did you know that Jeremiah the Prophet unto Judah preached 40 years and didn't have one convert? Peter, in contrast, after being filled with the Holy Spirit, added 3,000 souls to the church? Therefore, our gifts, both Holy and artistic from God, are to help with a clear gospel message. That coeincide with whatever resources are budgeted to make the christian expeirience living. We look to support churches in engagement and communication. Just as much as to manage our resources in the account of God's commandments.
We pray to be artistically supportive, to the daily outgoing message of the Church. While fully acknowledging, God is the one who gives ALL increase. (1 Cor 3:6-8) We aim to provide every facet of design for our clients. With a main focus to share the light of Christ in all that we do.
Our Vision: Creative Design Services and Resources is a "tentmaking" support for faith-based, non-profit organizations, government, education, and businesses. It is a creative outlet and resource that develops unique artistic direction with third-party solutions under cost-effective planning (such as printing and promotional materials.) We have packages to accommodate every level (even 100% Free) with respect to scripture. Our integrity in Christ is to produce design work with third-party resources to respect their full costs and or subscriptions.
This purposed work allows us to make a living wage for both our accountable living and design expenses. We are dedicated to executing deliverables that make visual communication, web, and product development clear, interesting, and completely wholesome (for all ages.)
The freedom of learning to accurately separate the two as Paul did. Shall help us to serve and witness as Bible-believing Christians His Holy Gospel in the arts free of charge in our local Church. Or by need base to another brother/sister amongst all Churches.
Facebook Live - Noon to 3 PM - To return in September
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Men, where can we see you? Child of God, filled with the Holy Spirit, let the world see your witness to what Christ, in you, enables you to do, say, and overcome! One day, we can say as Paul did, 'Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.' (1 Corinthians 11:1) Download and Share
Your idea (or vision) was specifically given to you and has a designated purpose for an individual or the world. We would like to help develop clear visual communication that effectively conveys the gospel of the Kingdom of God to your audience!
© OurVision and Realistic Imaginations. All Rights Reserved. OurVision, established in 2022, and Realistic Imaginations are trademarks of OurVision: Creative Design Services and Resources. This content, including all digital assets, artwork, and media, has been produced and shared online since 2003 and remains the intellectual property of OurVision: Creative Design Services and Resources and Realistic Imaginations. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of any materials without prior written consent is prohibited. For permissions or licensing inquiries, please contact info@ourvisionusa.com.
(Col 2:6-23) | (Joh 10:27-28) | (Matt 6:9-13) | (Joh 14, 15) | (1 Cor 14:3) | (Phi 2:2-5) | (Rom 13) | (1 Pet 2) (1 Cor 5,6) (Acts 1:1) (Heb 1:1-2) (Rev 19:10) (Deu 18:10-18) (Lev 19:26,31) (Exo 20) (Acts 19:37)